Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Galapagos Sea Lions

Galapagos Sea Lions  are agile mammals that get their food from the water and are known for being very playful.

They live on parts of Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica but only breed on Galapagos.

Sea lions grow up to 8 ft. long and can weigh 880 pounds.

The sea lions are carnivorous mammals that normally feed off of sardines. 

Being one of the few types of animals that is playful with humans they are unique in many ways; they are similar to dogs in that have loud barks, they also have whiskers, they live in large "packs" known as harems, and are known as the welcoming party of Galapagos.

Galapagos sea lions have become threatened over time because the sardines they eat have declined in numbers, some sea lions fail to reproduce, and they are preyed upon by killer whales and sharks.

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